
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

ROOTCON 7 Details

Date and Venue
The largest annual hacker conference in the country ROOTCON will celebrate its 7th year this coming September 12-14, 2013. The first day which is September 12 will be packed with workshops and training organized by our very own NexSquare Inc. followed by the con proper on September 13th and 14th.  After a considerable days of negotiating our venue to cater more attendees we came up with a verdict that we will be returning to Parklane International Hotel in Cebu City.

Activities and Workshops
This year our very own NexSquare Inc. are kind enough to organize workshop on the first day of the conference. Some of the pre-final workshops are as follows:

WiFu - Introduction to Wireless Security
Hacking 101 - Introduction to Hackery
Lockpick 101 - Introduction to LockPicking
Metasploit-Fu - Ninja training on Metasploit
Web App Security - Introduction to Web Application Penetration Testing

These workshops are introductory to trainings offered by NexSquare Inc. with a very reasonable price to CON-Goers.

We also have our pre-con activities; activities like:

WiFi Shootout
Pre-con gathering (H4xor BBQ)

We wanted ROOTCON to stay the cheapest and yet the best hacker conference in town; we were able to maintain the price of Php2800.00 for two consecutive years; however economically our materials and logistics costs increased so in order to cover all of our expenses such us speakers airfare and accommodation, badges, swags, meals and venue we came up with a slight price increase, this is also in parallel to the price our venue is giving us. The price for this year's conference are as follows:

Early Pro Registration: Php3300.00
Early Student Registration: Php2800.00
Group of 5 Registration: Php14025 (less 15%)

Late Pro Registration: Php4300.00
Late Student Registration: Php3800.00

Stay tuned for regular updates on the following

Main Site:

We hope to see everyone at ROOTCON this year!!!!

Hackers Unite

All the best,