
Monday, June 11, 2012

ROOTCON 6 SpeedTalks

At ROOTCON we value everyone....CON-Goers, Sponsors and Partners. This year we are giving away our sponsors the opportunity to talk about what they do, this year we introduced "SpeedTalks". SpeedTalks is available to all major participating sponsors for ROOTCON 6.

The mechanics is pretty straight forward.

1. Avail one of the Major Sponsors of ROOTCON 6

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
2. Sponsoring company will send a delegate for their entry on SpeedTalks.
3. Sponsoring companies are given a blazing 10 minutes for their product demo / presentation and product updates.
4. SpeedTalks will be given on Day 1 and Day 2.
5. ROOTCON will align all schedules to the sponsoring company representatives.
6. NO QUESTIONS should be entertained during the SpeedTalk, the allotted 10 minutes is purely presentation / demo / talk. All questions should be addressed on the sponsors booth.

What are you waiting for? Contact our sponsorship liaison.
