Thursday, October 06, 2016

ROOTCON 10 Capture The Flag Statistics

During ROOTCON 10, we introduced a new dedicated track for our Capture The Flag, with the comfortable CTF tables and chairs the game was well participated and was enjoyed by most of the players, not just the players enjoyed the game but as well as the spectators passing by. With the Chill-out track near by the CTF area you'll be tempted to Hack All The Drinks and Drink All The Booze.

Kudos to The Illuminated Beings for coming up with a very awesome challenges.

Here are the Statistics.

13 teams registered
304 wrong keys submitted
101 right keys submitted
30 challenges
Most solved: Trivia 3 with 9 solves
Least solved: Exploitation 1 with 0 solves

Congratulations to the following

1st place: Team Harambae
2nd place: Handshake Junior
3rd place: Hack Ganern
4th place: FlySolo
5th place: Team2Busan

We will be creating a repo on Github for the write-ups soon.